Temple of Alchemy
Inner sanctuary of Birthing a Paradise
Weekly Group Circle
Everything that you have been searching outside
EXISTS within YOU!
The answers to all your challenges can only be found within, all you need to do is learn is to LISTEN.
We spend our lives running from pillar to post, seeking Gurus, teachers, trying to please God to save us from our misery.
But what if God created you complete within yourself, and you just lost that inner connection to access what we call the INNER GUIDANCE SYSTEM.
The purpose of Temple of Alchemy is to create a safe sanctuary where you will be provided practices and tools for you to connect back with the wisdom of your body, mind & soul.
We can either keep complaining about the problems in our life or take some actions to start changing the status quo in our life.
Through the processes you will learn & apply,you will start creating powerful shifts in life patterns, challenges, mindsets, habits, behaviours as well as start moving & creating things that are beyond your direct conscious influence.
In these Weekly Group Sessions you will discover how to use various practices to create the life you want by clearing all the things that are blocking your path & understanding how to live an EMBODIED LIFE.
In the TEMPLE OF ALCHEMY, we use..
- Using Somatics, we will process the trauma and emotions stored in our body and nervous system. We will learn how to enhance our nervous system capacity to hold happiness, success and abundance by embodiment practices.
Breathwork helps in clearing all the blockages in our mental, emotional & physical body and activates our parasympathetic nervous system that enables the Self regulation & healing system of our body to activate for creating sustainable healing and changes in our life.
- Shadow work starts alchemizing our darkness, judgements,lost identities and brings them into light to be transmuted and integrated as our Authentic self.
- Movement therapy connects us back to the wisdom of our body and starts clearing & aligning us with our Inner guidance System.
- Tapping to clear the stuck energetic and emotional blockages in our nervous sytsem.
- Kundalini/Shakti activation using feminine Frequency formula processes.
- Music therapy to work with parts of our being which are beyond words and comprehension.
Temple of Alchemy
Where Spirituality meets Science
What do you get ?
- Weekly Live Group sessions facilitated by Geet where you will be guided to work with current issues and challenges in your life.
- Understanding & learning about Somatic, Embodiment & self regulation practices.
- All recordings of previous & current live sessions which you can use for your daily practice or whenever some triggers arise. You will get access to the whole library.
- Learn how to practice and regulate your nervous system by applying the tools learnt in group sessions.
- Time for digestion & questions at the end of session.
- Chat guidance & support during group session by Geet & her team.
ZOOM Video
Date and Time
- 4 Group Sessions every month
- Wednesday 7 pm Indian Standard Time
(In case of any festival or holiday falling on a Wednesday , the day will be shifted)
India’s 1st Advanced eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Practitioner, Embodiment teacher, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Self Identity Through Ho’oponopono(SITH® ) Coordinator & Instructor , Feminine Frequency Formula Teacher, Theta healer, Heal Your Life Teacher, Mental Health Coach & EFT Practitioner.

Stories of Alchemy
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Are you ready to enter the Gates of
1 Month Membership-
Registration Amount- Rs 2000/-
For Participants outside India- $30
(Please use Paypal- geetktaneja@gmail.com)
For Participants in India, you can also use Paytm/Gpay @9716936530
Please drop a whatsapp message after making payment with screenshot if you use paytm/GPay/Paypal.
Thank you
3 Month Membership
Registration Amount- Rs 5000/-
For Participants outside India- $70
(Please use Paypal- geetktaneja@gmail.com)
For Participants in India, you can also use Paytm/Gpay @9716936530
Please drop a whatsapp message after making payment with screenshot if you use paytm/GPay/Paypal.
Thank you
What does life look like on the other side of
An Ancient way of living in commune with your higher self, with nature and the community which has been lost for decades to intellectualization and disconnect from our Inner Genius.
- Living a stress free life
- Enjoying a healthy & energetic body
- Embodying playfulness in life
- Creating a passionate career, business and effortless abundance
- Navigating relationships with love & loving boundaries
- Having a peaceful mind
- Deep connection and love for self
- Living a confident & secure life
- Carefree & free to be your true self