Lightworker Tribe

Lightworkers Tribe

Meraki by Soul Sisters

For you to be here, there must be a part of you that is ready for change. If you are prepared to do what it takes to improve your own well-being, we are excited to help and support you to learn to access the incredible power you have inside you.
We are happy to invite you to be a part of the Lightworker’s tribe, a group of like-minded people who wish to create wonderful lives for themselves and support each other in this journey. Together we learn powerful, transformational spiritual tools and techniques and open our hearts to heal and love.
The workshop happens through a video call on the zoom platform.

Meet the Trainers

Geet Taneja:
She is a Life elevation coach and a Neuroplastician who helps people alchemize their pain, misery, disease & fear into Joy, love, peace, and abundance. She has been using cutting edge techniques and transformational tools for a decade to help people reach their highest potential and create a balanced & successful life. She is a trained Eutaptics® FasterEFT™ practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, EFT practitioner, and a Heal your life teacher. She has a rich corporate experience having worked in Management roles for MNCs and having worked with the Government in developing policies for the underprivileged sections of society.

Garima Kaushal:
She is a counselor with a degree in Masters of Psychology and specialization is Counseling, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, Reiki, Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, and Law of Attraction Coach. She has been expanding her knowledge through various life coaches around the world from the past 10 years, while simultaneously working in the hospitality industry, as a result of which, she understands the stress and pressure that a work environment may cause, and how to balance your professional and personal life.

“You are not here to live an average life, you are meant to experience the magnificence of life, experience the magic of true love, living a life of abundance, enjoy the boons of a healthy body and through it all living your life purpose.”

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